Worth Watching Insights
Worth Watching Insights
5 Things Every C-Suite Executive Should Know with Julie Williamson [Video]
When leaders stay in conversation instead of isolating themselves behind beautiful slides or perfectly constructed emails, they contribute to...
Achieving Team Alignment with Your Agency’s Goals with Julie Williamson [Podcast]
Tired of feeling like you’re shouting into a void? Discover how to transform your agency from a chaotic orchestra into a harmonious symphony...
Executive Leadership Responsibilities in Digital Transformations [Video Interview]
Digital transformation is all the rage, but are your executives truly on board? Learn how to secure executive leadership buy-in and alignment for...
Make HOW Matter: 5 Ways to Activate Leaders and Accelerate Transformation [Webinar]
This quick, engaging, and informative 30-minute KARRIKINS Coffee Break talks about HOW to activate leaders to shift their behaviors and decisions to...
Driving Alignment: The Missing Link Between Strategy and Execution [Podcast]
Feeling stuck between brilliant strategies and lackluster execution? The missing link might be leadership alignment. This episode of the ET Project...
Lessons from Executives Going Through Transformation [Podcast]
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, executives need a unique set of leadership skills to navigate digital and business...
How to Lead and Build Teams [Podcast]
Julie Williamson of Karrikins Group discusses business and social science, leadership alignment, and navigating digital challenges as a guest on WSS...
7 Signs of Misalignment [Webinar]
Explore 7 common signs of misalignment in organizations and on teams. Karrikins Managing Partner, Julie Williamson, Ph.D. hosts a 30 minute coffee...
Lead Your Strategy / Manage Your Plan [Webinar]
Use your strategy to make decisions about your plan, not the other way around. Take a closer look at the space between strategy and planning during...
Energize Your Transformation: The Power of Leader Activation [Webinar]
Energize your transformation – don’t let your company transformation efforts flop. Karrikins Group’s Chief Growth Enabler, Julie Williamson, PhD,...
Don’t let strategy be a side hustle [Webinar]
Executing on strategy should be part of business as usual. Unfortunately, leaders often treat it like a side hustle – their ‘other job’ instead of...
How to lead with Intentional Optimism [Webinar]
By being more intentional about using optimism as a lever for change, leaders can drive stronger changeability throughout the organization, and...
How to Set and Execute an Ambitious Business Strategy [Articles + Video]
Setting and executing on a clear business strategy that drives transformation is crucial in today’s competitive marketplace. At Karrikins Group we...
The HOW of Leadership [Virtual Workshop + Worksheet]
Leaders must define and align to how they work together to deliver more than any of them can do individually, if they want to create exceptional...
The Failure Gap: the Space Between Agreement and Alignment [Whitepaper + Video]
Change starts with self. Leaders must be willing to go first and take the leap to alignment before they ask anyone else to do the same. By going...
Know Your Diamond Triangle Workshop: How to Deliver as a Team [Webinar + Worksheet]
The most inspiring WHY and the most ambitious WHAT will fail without an aligned HOW. The KARRIKINS Diamond Triangle summarizes the leadership...
From stalled to success: The power of leadership alignment [Webinar]
Take on the challenge of moving from agreement to alignment and learn ideas for pushing yourself and your colleagues to accelerate your most...
Agreement to Alignment: The Power of Allies [Webinar]
A discussion about allyship in the workplace and the challenge of moving from agreement to alignment in the area of Equity, Inclusion, and...
Infectious Leadership and the Intentional Optimism Dispositions
How leaders get aligned and stay in alignment with each other is heavily influenced by the energy they bring to their teams.
Exceptional Results Come from Alignment
Alignment is a solvable problem for those willing to do the work, and the challenge of alignment shouldn’t hold you or your team back. Schedule a 30-minute conversation to learn how alignment can result in a greater impact for you & your team.