Free Virtual Workshop:
Knowing Your Diamond Triangle™
Accelerate Growth and Amplify Impact by Getting Clear on Your Why, What, and How
WHEN: January 7, 2022 • 9:00am-10:00am MST
Join us for a free 60-minute virtual workshop and learn how to leverage the Diamond Triangle for you and your team.
What is the Diamond Triangle?
Many leadership teams spend a lot of resources – notably time and money – on defining what they need to do and why they need to do it.
We believe every organization should have a completed Diamond Triangle. Leaders should know why (mission, vision, purpose) and what (strategy, priorities, BHAGs) they are doing, and they should be equally clear on how they will deliver together as leaders.

Join Us for a FREE Virtual Workshop on January 7th
It is rare for leaders to be as clear on how to lead together as they are on what they do and why they do it. The KARRIKINS Diamond Triangle summarizes the leadership requirements for sustained growth and transformation.
Join us for a free 60-minute virtual workshop on January 7, 2022 at 9:00am MST and learn how to leverage the Diamond Triangle for you and your team.
Workshop Learning Objectives:
- Gain an understanding of the KARRIKINS Diamond Triangle and what it means to define how to deliver together as a team
- Learn how to leverage the Diamond Triangle to clarify your why as it relates to purpose aligned leadership and the what as it relates to what you intend to do either alone as a leader or together with your team to accelerate growth and amplify your impact
- Learn how to complete your own personal Diamond Triangle Canvas (worksheet included) by making the invisible visible, building shared meaning, and finally, getting to the right stuff
Can’t Make it January 7th? Register Anyway!
Can’t make it on January 7th? We know that this time of year can be challenging. Register anyway and we’ll send you a recording of the workshop and the Diamond Triangle Canvas worksheet to complete on your own time.